Habits and Goals

This New Year, be kind to yourself

Happy New Year Everyone!!! 

2020 is here, and I hope that this New Year will bring you the strength to embrace life with open arms and the heart full of love.

New Years are like a fresh beginning, we all get excited to change ourselves for better, to change our life for better. But with this desire to change, New Years can become little intimidating and overwhelming too. So today, in this post I am talking about how we can start our New Year and feel good about ourselves too. Here are the three things which you can keep in mind so that you can enjoy this New Year and achieve your goals too.

  1. If you have a day all by yourself, how would you like to spend it? – Take out a pen and paper and start writing how the best day of your life would look like. I think we all can agree that we won’t end up writing about big tasks like ‘completing the office presentation’ or ‘completing the research work I have been given.’ In fact, it will always be about things like listening to music, having a peaceful sleep, a walk in nature and all the other little things. Back in our mind, we all know what matters to us the most. But all we do at the beginning of the New Year is that work way too hard in the first few days and then get demotivated. We forget that it is important to take care of ourselves and enjoy the journey. Life is not all about goals achieved, it is about how much we enjoyed while reaching these goals. So do things you like more often. Your soul and body will thank you for that.
  2. Do not expect too much: We get so excited in the first few days that we line up tasks without any breaks. We overestimate what we can do in a day. Keep in mind that in this journey we will make mistakes, we will fell sick, there will be times when we won’t feel like doing anything. In these times remind yourself to give your best. But don’t forget that your best can vary from time to time. Your best when you are feeling energetic and when you are sick is different. Give your best to life, and life will give you the best.
  3. Accept yourself: This is the last one, and I know the most difficult one. Accept yourself. Sometimes, we all are way too harsh on ourselves. We judge ourselves the most, more than the people around us. But this year I want you to take a step towards accepting yourself. Accept the beautiful parts, accept your flaws, and love every part of your body. Accept all of your broken parts, you want someone else to do that for you, this time, do it for yourself. Your thought, your stubborn nature, your cheerful smile, your shining eyes, love them, and you will notice that your body will love you back. You are allowed to make mistakes, you are allowed to behave in a childish way, and you are allowed to do whatever your heart says (But don’t hurt anyone :-D). Acceptance is the first step toward self-improvement. You cannot improve if you are constantly criticizing yourself, but you can if you accept your flaws. Give yourself a chance, accept yourself and then see how your body and soul will cherish you in the best way.
new year

With this, we have come to the end of this post. I hope you will find it helpful. In the end, I would just send my best wishes to you.

Moreover, if you haven’t looked at my previous post in which I am talking about three things you can do before the ends, you can give it a read now. Remember that you can still do these tasks. These tasks will always help you.

I will see you in the next post, till then keep celebrating life!

With love,


Tangled Tourista
Tangled Tourista is an online diary, which is about travel, food and books. Here you will read about book reviews and suggestions, tested travelling tips and about new cafes and restaurants around and their reviews.

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