
Give Away Old books: Books and Minimalism

Give Away Old books: Books and Minimalism

Hello Everyone,

Today I will talk about books and minimalism. Usually, when we read a book either we like it or not we just keep them back in our bookshelf. And these books stay there till eternity, we look back at some, sometimes to read again, sometimes to find quotes, but most of the time they remain in the bookshelf untouched. They are there just as a memory. Our huge books collection, people like to show it off that we have so many books, but let’s get straight, what do these books do in our bookshelves? We rarely use these books, they are there just like memories, so why don’t we just give away old books?

So in this post, I will talk about why I think it is important to give away old books-

  1. What is the purpose of these books- We rarely use all of these books again, sometimes we don’t even like the book and still keep it. And sometimes we know that though we liked it, we won’t read it again. Then why don’t we give these books to someone else who will enjoy reading them? If the purpose of these books is just to remain as show-piece, or as a show-off thing, then I really think we need to change our thoughts, because books don’t deserve to be a show-piece.

Sometimes we have sentimental values with books, or we really love it, or we definitely know that we would need it in future, then there is no harm in keeping a book. But keeping those books which we won’t need in future at all, that according to me is problematic. It is better to give away these books and let them be loved by someone else.

Give away old books

  1. It will help us in deciding that what is important for us- When we keep books which we only need, then these books will make us realize that why these books are important for us. Our bookshelf will not just be a bookshelf. It will be a bookshelf which will be important to us. All of the books on this shelf are the ones which you will need, or you have loved. You will enjoy going back to your bookshelf, in fact, you will love every corner of it.
  2. Fewer books mean organized shelves- When you have a few books your bookshelf will be easy to organize and clean. There will be no need to organize it from time to time. It is being said that the state of our shelves shows our mental state, if it is messy, it shows our stressed mind. Moreover, clean and organized room and shelves also help us in concentrating our tasks. It keeps us focused.
  3. It will help us in knowing our taste- When we take out the books which we don’t like, or we don’t need, we will realize that our bookshelf will represent your taste. In a way, the bookshelf will represent you. This will also help you in buying new books, as you know about your taste. And this will save your money and time.
  4. Make space for new books- We all have limited space to keep our books, so why do we even want to stuff this limited space with books you won’t even need or loved? Let’s just give away old books and make space for new books.
  5. Share happiness with others- We have so many books which we don’t love, but that does not mean that these books do not deserve love, don’t be rude to them. Why don’t we just give it to someone else? Maybe the other person will love this book. I love the feeling when someone tells me that they loved the book which I have given them or recommended them. In fact, there is no harm in giving a book which you have loved to someone you love, it will make that person feel special.

And that’s it, these are the reasons why I think it is important to give away your old books from time to time. I am not against in keeping books or making your personalized library, but I believe that this library should represent you, so keep those books which represent you. And share the joy of reading with others.

Are you one of those who keeps on buying new books and keep increasing your TBR pile? Read my previous post, ‘Too many unread books? Questions to ask yourself before buying new books, here.


Tangled Tourista
Tangled Tourista is an online diary, which is about travel, food and books. Here you will read about book reviews and suggestions, tested travelling tips and about new cafes and restaurants around and their reviews.

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