
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

Book: Murder on the Orient Express Author: Agatha Christie Publications: Harper Collins Publishers Price: Rs. 299 Pages: 274 Plot: At midnight Orient Express was stopped on the track because of a snowdrift. But something was wrong on the train. There lies a dead body of one of the passengers in his compartment. His compartment locked… Read More Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie


And Then There Were None: Agatha Christie

Book: And then there were none Author: Agatha Christie Publication: Harper Collins Price: Rs. 170 Pages: 250 Plot: Ten strangers were invited to an island mansion by the mysterious owner, U.N Owen. They all met and greeted each other waiting for the host, enjoying their day. In their rooms, they all had nursery rhyme ‘Ten… Read More And Then There Were None: Agatha Christie