Hey Love,
Hope you are doing well. In February, TCK Publishing approached me and send me free ‘Design Your Future’ by Dominick Quartuccio E-book. Today, I am posting my review of this book. I hope you will find this helpful.
Book: Design Your Future
Author: Dominick Quartuccio
Publication: TCK Publishing
Price: Kindle Edition- Rs. 49
Pages: 142
Plot: Design your future, by Dominick Quartuccio, is a book about creating a life you can’t wait to live into. The author has talked about 3 simple steps to stop drifting and take command of your life. But before talking about these 3 steps, let’s talk about for whom this book is written.
If you are someone who may enjoy the work you do, you may hold an esteemed position in your work and community and you love and you are loved by those around you, but deep down you are not interested in the life you’ve created. You are not excited to live this life anymore, you don’t feel much of anything. Life is moving at a really fast pace for you, you don’t have time for yourself. Your tasks are never finished, you complete a task just to see a list of other unfulfilled tasks.
According to the author, the problem is that you have never consciously designed your habits, you just let them happen to you, and that is why your life is just happening to you.
In the book, the author has talked about how you can design a life that you cannot wait to live into. The book inspires you to envision the kind of future where, when you envision it there’s such a deep burning sense of excitement to change it into a reality that it inspires you at this moment.
‘Design your future, 3 simple steps to stop drifting and take command of your life.’ This is what the book says, now what does the author mean by drifting? Let’s talk about it first.
What is drifting?
To understand drifting, the author has given an example from his life only. He has narrated how he made sure that he did everything to become acceptable in society. Getting good grades, getting a good job, holding a certain position, but deep down he never gave it a thought that what is that he wants. When he finally achieved everything which society expects a man to have, he felt a certain numbness, he was not as happy as he thought he would be. And after discovering a lot about himself, he realized that these are not the things which he wanted to have.
So this is what drifting is. Don’t we do this to ourselves? To make our parents and our family happy, we get caught up into more success, more money kind of rat-race, but we never give it a thought to what exactly do we want. And this is what the author does not want us to do. That’s why the author has talked about it in detail to know if we are drifting or not, and if we are drifting he has presented us with 3 simple steps to design our future.
These 3 steps are:
- Awakening
- Disrupting
- Designing
Let’s talk about these steps one by one.

Awakening: 1st step to design your future
Our beliefs and stories are an inevitable part of us and subconsciously they help us in taking every decision we make in life. When we awake, we become aware of these beliefs and stories. They are not in our subconscious mind but our conscious mind. So this means that after the first step, we become aware of our subconscious beliefs and stories and take command over the decisions we make.
Awakening is a moment when something inside us shifts and we become ready to change. ‘Change’ which is very painful for the human mind. Most of our behaviour is automatic and unconscious and we do everything to resist change. Mostly pain of change > pain of same. Awakening happens when the pain of change < pain of same. And the book talks about how to flip this equation and awaken ourselves.
Disrupting: 2nd step to design your future
What happens when we set our new goals? We get all excited, wake up early in the morning and be productive whole day, at night we are tired but happy that we did it. And what happens the next morning? We are tired, we want to go back to our ‘normal,’ to our getting up little late, and using social media from time to time, isn’t it? This happens, because though we are awakened, but we have not disrupted our old patterns. The dictionary meaning of ‘disrupt’ is ‘to break apart,’ and to create our new life, new future, we have to break our old patterns. There is a quote by Tony Robbins, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” So to create a new life, we have to break our old habits and patterns and build a new one. And how will we do it? This is what the author has talked about in this section.
Designing: 3rd step to design your future
After these two steps, comes the final and the third step, ‘designing.’ Now, imagine yourself, awakened and disrupted your old patterns, now what you can do? The options are limitless, and sometimes we get so elevated to do everything, that we get lost somewhere. We don’t know where to start, where to reach, and how to reach. And this is where the author has taken us to a step by step guide to design our future.
This what the book is about, I didn’t want to give away a lot of information about the book, as it would take away the essence of the book. If you want to know more about what I have talked about, then pick up the book.
My Views: It is a short and practical book. What I could see was that author has read some really good self-help books and has made a very good attempt at compiling them to help us to create a good life for ourselves.
I would say it is a good book for those who want to start reading self-help books. It is practical and has talked about doable actions which we can take to change our lives. What I loved the most about the book is that this book gave me a very good idea. An idea to take command of my next 90 days. This was part of the third step, ‘designing.’ I think what the author has suggested is very smart, 90 days are short enough to visualize and long enough to pursue one goal. So this is what I am taking away from this book.
But apart from this, I found this book a little repetitive. Repetitive not in a way that the author says one thing repeatedly, but because I have already read a few self-help books. I didn’t find something very new in it, as I have said that the author has read some really good self-help books and have brilliantly compiled them into this book. But for me, the drawback was, that I have already those books. So maybe this book was not that brilliant for me, but I think it will be really helpful for those who haven’t read any self-help books till now.
Also, by reading this book, you can get an idea of what kind of self-help books you would like to read in future because the author has mentioned them too. So what I think is that it is a good book for beginners.
Overall, I would say it was an average book for me.
Recommendations: This book is perfect for all the beginners who want to start reading self-help books. But most importantly, this book is good for those who are not enjoying their lives, who are living life at so fast pace, that they rarely get time to enjoy, and they want to change their lives.
Ratings: 3/5
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