Book: And then there were none
Author: Agatha Christie
Publication: Harper Collins
Price: Rs. 170
Pages: 250
Plot: Ten strangers were invited to an island mansion by the mysterious owner, U.N Owen. They all met and greeted each other waiting for the host, enjoying their day. In their rooms, they all had nursery rhyme ‘Ten little soldiers’ hanging on the wall. The first evening, over the dinner a recording was played. According to this recording, they all have one thing in common, and that is they all have a wicked past, all were accused of one or the other crime. And then one of them is murdered.
No one knows who the murderer is, everyone has to live there as there is no way out. With a murderer among themselves, everyone has to take care of themselves. As the time passes, one by one they are murdered that too in a similar way as in the nursery rhyme, ‘Ten little soldiers’. And before the weekend is out, there will be none.
Want to know who the murderer is? Pick this book up. 😉
My Views: This was my first Agatha Christie book, I have always heard about her but for some reasons never got to chance to read her books. So one fine day one my friends gave me this book to read, and from that day onwards there is no looking back.

I am an Agatha Christie fan now, I absolutely loved this book. It has thrill, mystery and by no means could I guess who the murderer is. I finished the book in 2-3 days as I was so engrossed in it. I would turn to the nursery rhyme every time after the murder, just to see the similarity. The book has the power to keep you going on, it’s definitely a page-turner. Let me tell you, I could not even guess the murderer till the end, and then there it was, the solved mystery and I was in awe. Awe of this masterpiece. This book is actually Agatha Christie’s one of the most appreciated books. And I love this book.
When it comes to the language of the book, I would say I found it little difficult in the beginning, but later I got used to it. So yes, it can be a little difficult for the beginners. Other than that this book is perfect to pick up next.
Overall I would say that I loved reading this book, I could imagine the situations in the books so vividly and it was funny sometimes, as I imagined them with background music similar to what they add in thriller movies. I totally enjoyed reading this book.
Recommendations: If you love reading mystery and thriller books then Agatha Christie’s books are must read, and as I have mentioned this book is one of her most appreciated books. I would say just go for this book.
Ratings: 5/5
You can also read my book review of another thriller book, Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn here.
[…] And then there were none by Agatha Christie […]
[…] my second Agatha Christie book, the first being ‘And then there were none’ (read my book review here) and also, my first Hercule Poirot book. Like my last Agatha Christie book, this book is also […]