
Why should one start reading: To read or not to read?

There are some habits which we all know are good for us, but with time we forget about the importance of these habits and keep on going as life is taking us. Reading is one such habit. We all know it is good, but in our busy lives we forget to read, we have many excuses for not reading. Even if we use to read when we were younger, we just cannot start it again because we don’t feel motivated. Today I am going to help you in motivating yourself to start reading or start reading again. So let’s talk about why should one start reading or start reading again.

  1. Books take you to the places you can’t reach: Books take you to the places you haven’t visited, to the places you have visited, but with a different story this time. They will take you to the time 100 years back or maybe more, or maybe somewhere in the future, or maybe to the places which do not even exist. In short, the world of books has no end, no limits. You might be standing in an overcrowded metro, but mentally you are travelling with Shams to Konya, where he met his companion Rumi. And believe me, the feeling to travel not just places but also time is in itself beautiful.
  2. You get the opportunity to connect with yourself and your mind: In the world full of chaos where we are always looking for the next task to be done, books actually helps us to relax. Reading a book will slow down the time for you, and you will get the opportunity to connect with not just the characters but yourself too. Reading will give you time to relax your mind and not to think about anything, be it your job, your personal life which is on a roller coaster right now, or the perfect dinner you had with your partner, nothing. It’s just you and your book, and the books have a way of talking to us, they say the best things at the right time, which will force you to think about yourself, not what others want from you, but what you want from yourself. So books will let you think deeper about yourself.
  3. You get to know more about yourself: This point is the extension of the second point. When you complete a book, you analyze the book, you analyze what you liked and what you didn’t like about the book. In that process, you get to know more about your likings, and not just that but also the things with which you connect. Your interest areas, the things which were unknown to you before reading, but later became the major part of your life. I can give you my example, I knew nothing about spirituality, but after reading books, I realized that this subject interests me a lot. It is important to analyze books you read because only then you will know more about yourself.
  4. You learn to give importance to little things: You read about an aromatic, hot coffee, next time you pay attention to the aroma your coffee gives. That’s the magic of books, you start noticing little things of life, be it a delicious food, beautiful sunset or just company of few good friends. Books teach you to not only to notice little things of life but also to appreciate them.
  5. Reading is a stress buster: There is nothing new when I say this, books are an escape from reality, in between all the difficult things happening in our lives, books take you away from all this, to a place which is not yours, and where you can just enjoy a different world for some time.

Why should one start reading

These were few reasons why I think one should start reading If you find any of these relevant, then go grab a book and start reading. You can get many recommendations here on my blog.

Will see you again in our next post.





Tangled Tourista
Tangled Tourista is an online diary, which is about travel, food and books. Here you will read about book reviews and suggestions, tested travelling tips and about new cafes and restaurants around and their reviews.

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